Me again - this time, Mollie's ears!!

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Me again - this time, Mollie's ears!!

Post by Molliesmum »

Hello all,

Well, today I noticed Mollie scratching her right ear more than usual, and
shaking her head.

Tonight we looked in there, and there is some dark brown wax in there,
whereas the left one is pretty much clear (apart from a few small bits).
There is also a tiny bit of a smell. I'm guessing she has earmites.

Anyway, tomorrow is emergencies only at the vets (it's Sunday) and then
Monday it is Bank Holiday so they will be closed.

Is it OK to wait until Tuesday? She doesn't seem to be in any pain.

What causes earmites anyway?!


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Re: Me again - this time, Mollie's ears!!

Post by davet »

won't hurt to wai til Monday and it is probably ear mites...these parasites usually are picked up from other cats but they can alsoget them from birds...and by that they may sit on a windosill where birds may have perched and crawled under the window can bring them in on yout feet etc but it can wait till Monday and it you are carefull you can take a q-tip and some baby oil and pick out bits and paieces very carefully...but that i mean hold the q-tip very loosly so if said cat shakes head in the middile the q-tip will go flying....but be good to be seen on Monday
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Re: Me again - this time, Mollie's ears!!

Post by Molliesmum »

Thanks for the advice :)

We will make an appointment for Tuesday evening, as we both work during the day. I was worried that she may be left with perminent damage if we left it, but you have reassured me :)

She seems more tolerant of it today - last night her ear was really bugging (no pun intended!) her, and she was pawing at it every 15 minutes or so. I felt so sorry for her, as she couldn't really settle down for a decent amount of time, and she has been a bit "clingy" - if we sit down, she's straight on our laps.

I don't think we'll try and clean the ear, I do not have the experience or the confidence to do it, so I think we'll just leave it to the professionals!

Bless her, I hope she doesn't think we are making her suffer!!

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