Tribute To A Special Friend
Snowball, my little "Snowbird" as I called her, was the first kitty in my life.
I know it was a long time ago (1972) and she crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 1991.
But it seems only yesterday she left and I still miss her.
Snowball adopted my roommate and me when she was about 4 months old.
She was wandering lost in our neighborhood. We tried to find her owner, with
no response and then fell in love with her.
As a kitten, she was this little "white tornado" - into absolutely everything.
We retrieved her off the drapes and from the kitchen counter. Our
toilet paper took a terrible beating and you'd find it in every room. We even
found her in the hibachi once!
One of the funniest things she did (I'll remember this till the day I die) was Snowball
jumping headfirst into the wastepaper basket. There would be a great deal of
thumping and noise, half the stuff in the waste basket was on the floor
and up would pop this sweet little white face.
We found later that Snowball was deaf. But she was such an intelligent cat,
she learned to deal with it. She let us know by body language what she wanted.
Snowball learned to meow and never heard herself.
I moved several times (always with her). She brightened every place
I moved to and was a wonderful friend. I was single, with all the accompanying
joys and heartbreaks. Snowball was always there for me
and no matter how much I cried, she'd stay by me.
Snowball was a "one-person cat". When I got married, she was quite displeased.
Over time she and John became good friends. She made sure we couldn't
sleep in on the weekends. After all, it was "time to feed the cat".
She would come in the bedroom and drag the tags on her collar
across a wooden bench - pretty smart for a deaf cat!
Snowball loved life and as much adventure as she could get in the house.
She was always being locked in closets and hid so well deveral times that we were
sure she sneaked outside and was lost. We took her out in the backyard in her harness.
The moment you turned your back, she was out of it. We called
her "Miss Snowball Houdini Cat".
Snowball loved to go camping or on vacation with us in our little motor home.
She found her seat, put her paws under her and enjoyed the ride.
Eventually, we moved 500 miles to our current home.
Over two years, two more kitties joined our home. Snowball just thought that
they were obnoxious and beneath her. She quickly made it clear that SHE was boss.
At times she and our kitty Frosty would box. It was so cute.
No one got hurt - just little paws pounding on each other's head.
Snowball was so special. I remember so many things...
How she loved to sleep upside down, how she loved banana malts and guacamole,
how much she loved paper bags and boxes and snooping.
Snowball got quite ill and we finally made the decision to have her
put to sleep but I just didn't want to. I prayed to God with all my might
to let her pass away with me and she went to the Rainbow Bridge with me holding her
just as we pulled into the vet's office parking lot.
I think she wanted to help me by letting go.
Snowball was beautiful, funny, smart and loving. Though she tried to give
the impression that she was tough, you knew underneath
she was just a marshmallow.
We know you are happy and playing at the Rainbow Bridge with
your brothers Frosty and Leo. You were my first love and my little girl
and I'm grateful for every minute you were in my life.
We still miss you, little one and you will be in our hearts forever.
Love, Mom and Dad
©Copyright 2000 by Sue Gilliland