His name is Simba, and he belongs to my friend, Sylvia. He passed away at the age of 12 years on June 3rd, 2006. He is a Norfolk Terrier Mixed, he knows sign language and understand anyone who signs to him. He was a very healthy dog until something was wrong on June 1st evening. He is to remembered for his witty self and lovely dog who is capable of understanding deaf people. May Simba rests in peace forever and will reunited with Sylvia's dog Snowball and the rest of our pets whom we loved dearly.

The pic was taken with her Sidekick II pager. It was sad to see her dog all smiling when he posed with Sylvia. Other pics shown a sadden moment. :-( The pic on the right was the last day at the hospital, a moment before a vet put him to sleep. He was all happy but he didn't know what comes to him. His body couldn't move at all since he was in the ER. RIP Simba.