She was a Traditional Chocolate Point Balinese, born Oct. 8, 1982.
She had the face of an angel, but since she hated most everything on the planet except me, most people thought she was the cat of H***!!
Imagine being afraid of a little 5 1/2 lb. cat. She and I were buddies and she was my *only child* until I adopted Jonathon and J.J. in April, 1987. She didn't like them, so she pretended that she was still an only child and never did acknowledge their presence in the house.
On January 17, 1994, we went through the Northridge earthquake
and then our home burned down. I had to euthanize Samantha on July 29, 1994 because of FIP. The vet thinks that she was probably born with it
and the stress of the earthquake, our home burning and of course her age,
well, the virus came to life.
She is buried at the L.A. pet cemetery. She has beautiful pinwheels,
wind chimes, flowers and decorations for whatever occasion comes along.
Putting her down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
But, I loved her enough to let her go. *Tears* I miss my little girl.
©Copyright 2000 by Marina